Thursday, April 16, 2015

Etiology/Pathophysiology of Gallstone

Pathophysiology Of Gallstones

Most of the times, gallstones develop from imbalance in the chemical composition of bile inside the gallbladder. This bile is liquid produced by the liver during digestion.  The cause of the imbalance has not yet been identified. The most common form of gallstone is cholesterol gall stone which occurs about four in five gallstone cases. Bilirubin gallstone which is as a result of high bilirubin in the blood is about one in every five gallstone cases. The chemical imbalance leads to the formation of crystals in the form of bile in the gallbladder. These crystals after several years form gallstones. This stones can be as small as a sand grain or large as a pebble.

This picture give a clear overview of gallstones. Gallstone can be fat, calcium (Ca+ ) bilirubin, carbonate, and phosphate, which get transferred from the liver through the biliary duct into the gall bladder.

Etiology of Gallstones
Overweight or obese people with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or above
Increased aged, 40 years or older
People with liver problems, digestive disorders, Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and sickle cell disease
Family history of gallstones
Rapid weight loss from either dieting or weight-loss surgery such as gastric banding
Medications such as ceftriaxone, which is an antibiotic used for the treatment pneumonia, meningitis and gonorrhea, oral contraceptive, hormone therapy used for osteoporosis, breast cancer and menopause treatment.
Women with children or child bearing age.

Work Cited
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